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Start complying with VeriFactu today.


How Invopop simplifies VeriFactu compliance

Send your sales data, we handle the rest.


Send your sales data

Use our API or connect via our growing list of integrations.


Report to AEAT

We generate, store, and submit invoices to the Spanish Tax Authority (AEAT) in full compliance with VeriFactu.


Deliver to customers

Send invoices via email through Invopop or use webhooks to deliver them from your system.

All you need to comply with VeriFactu

A comprehensive, flexible solution for all invoicing requirements in Spain.

Software de facturación certificado

Invopop proporciona una declaración de cumplimiento VeriFactu según lo requerido por la Orden Ministerial HAC/1177/2024.

Informe en tiempo real

Envía automáticamente archivos XML obligatorios a las autoridades a medida que se generan las facturas.

Código QR obligatorio

La factura en PDF de Invopop incluye el código QR requerido, o puedes obtenerlo para generar tu propio PDF.

Almacenamiento encadenado mediante hash

Invopop almacena registros de facturas vinculados entre sí mediante un hash, cumpliendo con los requisitos legales.

Certificado digital

Sube múltiples certificados a través de la API o delega la firma a Invopop como colaborador de la AEAT.

Modo en línea o fuera de línea

Elija entre los modos VeriFactu (en línea) y No-VeriFactu (fuera de línea), ambos completamente conformes.

A complete tax tool

More than just invoices. Invopop is the only solution you need to comply with your VAT, GST and Sales Tax requirements around the world.


Integrate with Invopop today

Connect your system to Invopop easily, using our API or native integrations.

Our free tier allows you to process 50 invoices per month for all supported formats and tax authorities.

Try for free

We’re a developer first platform, our interactive API docs will guide you from start to finish.

View documentation

Do you have third-party applications which you want to connect to your invoicing workflow? Connect any app through our built-in apps or webhooks.

Workflows allow you to customize your invoicing process. In addition to sending invoices to the tax authority, you can generate a PDF, to send to your customers.

The Console displays transactions processed in real time. Monitor your invoices filtering and sort invoices by type, date, customer, or amount.

Any questions about VeriFactu?

What is VeriFactu?

VeriFactu is the common term for a Spanish regulation requiring businesses to use certified Computerized Billing Systems, or Sistemas Informáticos de Facturación (SIF) in Spanish, when issuing invoices. This regulation, established by Royal Decree 1007/2023, sets specific technical standards for SIF, including secure and accurate record-keeping of invoices to ensure compliance and reduce tax fraud.

Who is affected by VeriFactu?

The VeriFactu regulation impacts two main groups:

  1. Taxpayers with a VAT Establishment in Spain: Businesses or self-employed professionals, resident or non-resident, who are subject to VAT in Spain must use a compliant SIF (Sistema Informático de Facturación) to issue invoices. Exemptions include:
    • Taxpayers who report invoices through the Suministro Inmediato de Información (SII) system, either mandatorily or voluntarily. This system is required for businesses with annual revenues over six million euros.
    • Taxpayers in the Euskadi (Vizcaya, Guipúzcoa, and Álava) or Navarra regions, which have separate tax authorities. Note that Euskadi has a similar regulation called TicketBAI.
    • Taxpayers exempt from invoicing requirements under the Regulation of Invoicing Obligations (Royal Decree 1619/2012), including sectors such as agriculture, livestock, and fishing.
  2. Producers of Computerized Invoicing Systems (SIF): Companies that develop or sell computerized invoicing systems for taxpayers are responsible for ensuring their systems meet VeriFactu standards.
When will VeriFactu become mandatory?

Taxpayers must use a certified Computerized Invoicing System (SIF) starting in July 2025.

What is a Computerized Billing System (SIF)?

A Computerized Invoicing System, or Sistemas Informáticos de Facturación (SIF), is any hardware or software used by Spanish taxpayers to issue invoices, as defined by regulation. These systems must comply with technical standards outlined in HAC/1177/2024 to ensure the integrity, traceability, and auditability of invoices.

What are the requirements that Computerized Billing System (SIF) must meet?

A Computerized Invoicing System (SIF) must:

  • Ensure the integrity, accessibility, readability, traceability, and immutability of invoice records by generating an electronic record for each issued invoice and linking subsequent records via a hash.
  • Print a QR code on invoices in accordance with specified regulations.
  • Be capable of electronically reporting invoices to the Spanish Tax Authority.
  • Record certain operational events unless operating in VeriFactu mode (live e-reporting of invoices), which has specific exceptions.
  • Comply with data protection legislation when handling personal data by separating access to tax information from other confidential information, allowing the Tax Authority to access the necessary data.
What is the difference between a VeriFactu and a non-VeriFactu system?

The VeriFactu regulation defines two types of computerized invoicing systems (SIF): those that report invoice information in real-time, known as "VeriFactu systems" or "verifiable invoice systems," and those that do not, referred to as "non-VeriFactu systems."

While both VeriFactu and non-VeriFactu systems must meet common requirements—such as linking invoice records via a hash, printing QR codes on invoices, and storing specific data—non-VeriFactu systems have additional requirements such as electronically signing each invoice record and maintaining a log of system events.

What are the fines for not complying with VeriFactu?

On the manufacturer's side, producing or selling non-compliant invoicing systems will result in a fine of €150,000 per fiscal year for each type of non-compliant system, plus €1,000 for each system sold. On the taxpayer's side, possessing invoicing systems that do not meet legal standards or have been altered from their certified state will incur a fine of €50,000 per fiscal year.